When most people think of Paris they think of expensive stores, fancy restaurants, and apartments. That's what I thought too. But, I was wrong! It is even more than that! If you are walking around stores you see a ton of real diamonds that are worth thousands of Euros!
Coming here was so much fun to think about and once we got here in this appt. I knew that we could call this place our own home away from home. Even the Boulanger employees know me! I am so glad that my sisters and I speak French. (Unlike my poor dad who doesn’t know anything and just smiles and nods his head when a French person tries to speak to him) But when my mom and dad have maps they are the ones who know their way around and you shouldn't tell them they are wrong.
It was usually day 1 we are doing this, day 2 we are doing that. And it was fun but imp not gonna lie after a while it got pretty much on the low side for me. And just when I needed to be lifted up I heard we where going to a market on the streets of Paris! After riding the Metro we finally got there and starting looking around for things to bring back to America! Each of us Dillon girls got something or things. I got this blue cotton dress that I adore, one white pair of sandals, one pink pair on sandals, and each of us got three hand made leather bracelets! Tess got African masks to put in her room and Claire also got a hand made side bag! Shopping was so much fun!
Versailles is this HUGE castle or chateau that Louis XIV built when he got tired of staying in the middle of Paris. When I first saw this place I thought "oh my gosh! Marie Antoinette LIVED HERE!!" I am obsessed with Marie Antoinette because I thought she was like a really good queen and was really pretty and rich. All of the history and cool facts about Versailles made me want to just drop all of the headset tours and look at every single little detail! I kept saying in my head " Marie Antoinette walked on this hallway! and sat in this chair! and slept in this tiny but very decorated bed! After learning REALLY interesting things inside the castle my family and I went out to the gardens! The gardens where like two neighborhoods and more put together! We all walked all over and sat on the grass and had some pasta and Paninis! We kept on walking until we reached Marie Antoinette’s other house! (Marie lived in that house because she wanted to be alone and away from everybody including her children and her own husband Louis the XVI) we walked in her own garden too! she even had a little village made for her so that she could go there and pretend to be a peasant and play because she never was an ordinary person she was either a princess or a queen. Doing this was so much fun and I loved it so much that when I get back I'm going to be telling most of you all the cool facts that I know about Versailles.
Just the other day my family and I where coming back from the coolest museum in the world (Le Louvre-we spent too much time there)! We ate at this amazing restaurant that only served salade, fries and steak! It was delicious-all my favorite foods in one place! We hopped on a metro to go back to the apartment! All of us girls sat in a four seater and my dad sat alone nest to this guy up front. Claire Tess mom and I where so busy playing red hands that we just noticed our station to get off! (Now those French substation doors only stay open for 15 seconds!!!) So we where all trying to get off and without hurting anyone. The doors started to beep (which means its about to close) and Claire got off on one door and didn’t see us coming off so got back on and then saw dad and I get off and mom follow close behind! So she jumped off. Tess was slowly coming off behind mom, and saw the doors closing slowly and the doors where squeezing her in the door way and the expression on her face was a confused, worried, embarrassed face. Now my face was only worried and I wanted to just pull her out of there! And Claire was laughing and then Tess started to laugh and my dad got mad at Claire and my mom was about to jump on the train. I sat down and started tearing up. Only because I started to really worry that we were never gonna see her again. My mom hopped on the next train and started after her hoping that she got off at the next stop. Later on after it was completely quiet, my mom called my dad saying she found her and they both had tears of joy! And I just smiled the whole time after that.We just finished our fantastic lunch and winding down! Until next time!
WOW...am so enjoying all of the posts from the Dillons, I just had to write and say: Sacre bleu!! what an adventure. And also... quelles ecriveurs sont les Dillons! Formidable!
ReplyDeleteJe ne peux pas croire comment fantastique l'écriture est! Mary, vos filles ont vraiment un cadeau pour cette forme de communication! C'est si bon!
Aunt T
(Tante T)
This is Katie Grace...or as my mom likes to call me: Katerine Grâce...
ReplyDeleteI think you're bringing out her inner Frenchy....
yeah um..... i hope yall have the time of yalls lives over there give me the inside scoop on everything!!! wat yall have so far sounds like crazy adventure but lots of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i loooooove yall! k.g.